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Our Responsibility
Research Labs
Fleet Vehicles
Utility Meters
Hybrid Buses
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I&S News

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Planned Chilled Water Outage
In order to continue improvements to the chilled water distribution system, I&S will be executing a scheduled partial outage to chilled water service over the spring break period March 15 through March 21.

I&S Customer Service Center
Now live for maintenance requests.
404-385-6000 or ISCUSTOMERSERV@gatech.edu
Requests will be routed to the appropriate maintenance area representatives and service teams.
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Reporting Departments

The Analytics Department supports integrated decision making and cross-unit information sharing.

This department is responsible for campus energy management and maintenance of its physical systems - chilled water, steam, electrical, etc.

Building Maintenance
Organized into five geographic areas across campus, if you have a building maintenance need—we can help!

Custodial Services
Our 240+ custodial team maintains campus interiors through an award-winning green cleaning program.

Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)
EH&S ensures health, safety, and environmental compliance through oversight, training, and services.

Event Staging
Event Staging sets up and breaks down prestigious events, led by a dedicated four-person team.

Fleet Management
Fleet Management ensures safe, reliable, and cost-effective vehicle and equipment maintenance with excellent customer service.

GIS and Campus Maps
Technology Services manages GIS and Campus Maps, supporting mapping and GIS tasks for Administration and Finance.

Keys and Locks
The Campus Lock Shop handles keyed entries for all campus buildings, located in the O'Keefe Building.

Landscaping and Grounds
The Landscape Services department maintains a livable, sustainable, and beautiful 400-acre campus.

Office of Sustainability (OOS)
OOS serves as a collaborative partner working toward innovative and efficient solutions for the Georgia Tech community.

Parking and Transportation (PTS)
PTS offers shuttle and parking services, as well as support for commuters and cyclists on the Georgia Tech campus.

Planning, Design, and Construction (PDC)
PDC includes experts dedicated to sustainable, resilient, and safe campus development.

Technology Services
Technology Services provides support to I&S employees with computer or technical issues.

Utilities Maintenance
The Utilities Maintenance Department assures optimum operation of the physical infrastructure that delivers utility resources throughout campus.

Zero Waste
The Office of Zero Waste provides and manages Georgia Tech's recycling, waste diversion, and reuse programs.