Taking advantage of the reduction in student activity and circulation during spring break, work will continue on investigating underground utility locations near the student center.
Mar 12, 2020 - Atlanta, GA
Contractors will take advantage of the reduction in student activity and circulation during spring break to carry out further investigative utility work. This work consists of hydrovaccing trenches to locate and confirm the location of utilities. The work is outlined in the attached diagrams and is located in the areas around the current student center and the historic Hemphill corridor. Work will begin Saturday, March 14th and continue through to March 22nd.
Work includes:
- Reopen, extend, and investigate deeper on the hydrovac cuts to find the 30” water line adjacent to the Campanile. At some point, the waterline dives from 7 ft to 14 ft. We aim to find where this is with 2 points located.
- Locate and camera 30” sanitary and 36” storm lines through the 2 inspection chambers on the North side and 2 inspection chambers on the South side of Stamps Commons.
- Hydrovac a cross section of the walkway East of Ferst center. Civil plans show existing telecom, chilled water, storm, water, gas.
- Hydrovac for possible water line South of Stamps Commons.
- Hydrovac around new Fire Hydrant location along Ferst drive.