UPDATE: Paving of Dalney St. and Greenfield St. over the communication ductbanks in an effort to re-route aerial cables to below ground.
Dalney & Greenfield Ductbanks
What: Partially pave Dalney St. and Greenfield St. over the communication ductbanks in an effort to re-route aerial cables to below ground.
Date: Saturday, September 28, 2019
Impact (see attached map):
· North and southbound traffic along the highlighted sections of Greenfield St. NW and Dalney St. NW will be impacted. The main disruption will be on Saturday, September 28th. Every effort will be made to safely maintain through-traffic and access to adjacent parking lots at all times.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Mark Wood
Project Manager
Georgia Institute of Technology | Facilities Design & Construction
C: 404-630-6486