Blank Space (small)
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Blank Space (small)
(text and background only visible when logged in)
Archibus Logo

Archibus Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS)

Georgia Tech's platform for tracking and maintaining comprehensive building and room inventories.


About Archibus

Good stewardship of facilities space inventory allows Georgia Tech to control information and provides insight into GT real property portfolio, forecasting and space planning, aids with indirect cost reimbursements for federally granted research and supports GT clients' space data needs. 

Archibus Integrated Work Management System (IWMS) is Georgia Tech's platform for tracking and maintaining comprehensive building and room inventories, including departmental occupancy, floor plans, and square footage. It also supports the management of the campus Real Estate portfolio and facilitates move requests.

Blank Space (small)
(text and background only visible when logged in)

Questions About Archibus?

Lana Soroka

  Archibus Consists of:

  • Web Central core-web based solution for space inventory management, querying and floor plan generating
  • Smart Client – installed locally and integrated with stored on the Cloud data
  • Smart Client Extensions for Revit and AutoCAD- installed locally for handling floor plans graphics and reconciliation with Cloud data

Archibus Supports:

  • Internal space planning functions
  • Institute Facilities and Administrative Cost Rates Studies
  • External reporting function
  • Access to buildings, rooms and organizations related data (restricted access)
  • Real estate portfolio management and query
  • Moves requests and coordination

Archibus Contacts:


Log in using this URL or visiting the "Access Archibus" button at the top of this page.

You will then be prompted to sign in with Georgia Tech Single Sign On. Use your GT credentials to sign in.


You might not be able to see updates Archibus has pushed out to the interface for two possible reasons:

  1. You may need to clear your browser's cache

    1. Google Chrome: Settings > Privacy and security > Delete browsing data > Cached images and files
    2. Microsoft Edge: Settings > Privacy > Clear browsing data
    3. Firefox: Settings > Privacy & Security > Cookies and Site Data > Clear Data > Temporary cached files and pages
  2. If you are accessing the page from your Favorites, you may need to navigate to that page from the original path and re-favorite it.

    1. Favorite a page in Archibus by navigating to the desired page and selecting the star with the plus sign that is in the upper right-hand corner:

      How to favorite a page in Archibus
    2. Once you favorite a page, the star will be filled in with navy blue. 
    3. Pages you favorite appear in the Favorite tab on the left side of the screen:

      Favorited pages locations in Archibus
    4. To unfavorite a page, click on the star again and it will return to the outline with the plus sign again.
    5. Favoriting a page is essentially making a copy of the page as it exists at that moment. If you are not seeing an update to the page you are expecting, try navigating to the page from the original path (not using the favorites tab). When you are on the page, un-favorite and re-favorite the page to capture the updates in the Favorites tab.


Links to the training recordings can be found on the Archibus Implementation Sharepoint (GT Login Required). 


Insite DefinitionArchibus Definition
Room Major Use/Room UseRoom Category
Room UseRoom Type


Archibus Training Guides

Logging Into Archibus

Navigating Archibus User Interface